Healthy Teas For the New Year

Did you make those New Year’s Resolutions this year?   You know the ones where we vow to live a healthier, happier life?

Well, just in case you did, we have the Teas that will help you make those resolutions come true.   We have a broad assortment of healing and healthy Teas to choose from.   

How do you choose which ones are right for you?  Well, there is plenty of information on the internet about which teas are better for different reasons if you want to do the research yourself.  Or, you can pop into the store and ask us.   

We have tea blends, as well as individual Teas.   Below is just a sampling from our extensive tea menu:

And here is a much longer list of some of the tea choices we have in the store:

We have so much more Tea available in the store.  We have a great selection of Green Teas, Black Teas, Red Teas and so much more.  Every Tea has its own use and benefit.   We also have plenty of blends made for very specific purposes like the ones listed below:

Teas and Weaves Healthy Tea Blends

There is so much to choose from.  Pop down to the store and we can have a chat about what your needs are and we will fix you up with the Teas that are right for YOU!  See you soon.

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