Whether we are focusing on the Corona Virus in particular, or any other influenza-related virus (i.e. cold and flu), the question at hand remains what are the best teas to:
- Build our Immune System?
- Open our breathing passageways?
- Assist with Nausea?
Hot Tea, in general, is helpful when we are ill. Hot water warms the body, and assists our immune system to work faster. Also, heat can often help kill viruses and bacteria.
So, on one level, almost ANY tea is better than NO tea. Yet, there are some teas that have some added benefits.
Here is a list of our top EIGHT ingredients you will want in your teas when combating cold and flu related viruses:
Ginger tea helps with nausea, and helps kill bacteria. Ginger is also very good for calming stomach upset.
Licorice tea is considered a “cure all”, and is a must-have in any tea cabinet. Not only does it help with inflammation, it is very useful in HEALTHY phlegm production thus helping speed up recovery of the respiratory system. Finally, Licorice can also help reduce stress on the body and help you relax by stimulating the adrenal gland to produce a healthy level of cortisol.
Turmeric. Turmeric is a favourite go-to for not only reducing inflammation, but for ridding the body of unwanted toxins.
Cinnamon. Cinnamon has long been known to be helpful in reducing toxins in the body, and also for its anti-inflammatory properties.
Echinacea has long been used to help build up the immune system before the onset of a cold or flu. Echinacea has anti-viral properties, helps with inflammation, and can assist with respiratory difficulties.
Mint (Spearimint. Peppermint.) Mint has long been associated with aiding in cold symptoms. Those of us old enough to remember, will fondly recall the popularity and effectiveness of Vics Vaporub. What was a key ingredient? Mint – Menthol. Mint helps boost immunity, and has a natural decongestant by helping break up phlegm and mucus. Mint is also a very good tea to drink with a meal as it helps with digestion.
Stinging Nettle. Stinging Nettle Leaf tea has long been a staple for those with allergies. The nettle leaf can help reduce inflammation, reduce blood pressure, and reduce stuffiness from colds or allergies.
Eucalyptus. Eucalyptus is famous for its use in battling colds and sore throats. It is a main ingredient in many throat lozenges. It has antibacterial effects, and can help with respiratory issues such as bronchitis.
Below we provide a list of some “Healthy” teas we have in stock at Teas and Weaves.
For our FULL tea menu visit our page HERE.
Call Us to order 250-492-5121

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