How Does Ginger Help With Healing?

Why take ginger to help with the common cold, a flu, or even something more menacing like a “Corona” Virus? 
What, exactly, can you expect Ginger to do for you in regards to your overall health picture?

Some of the many benefits of Ginger:

#1.  Reduce Inflammation

The main compound in ginger, gingerol, is proven to help in fighting off infections and reducing inflammation.

#2. Treat Nausea

For years ginger has been know to help with stomach upset, motion sickness, and general feelings of nausea.  Sailors have been known to take ginger for Sea sickness.

#3.  Fight off Infection

Ginger extract has been used to fight off infections, because gingerol has been effective in eliminating forms of bacteria associated with problems in many areas of the body.

#4.  Ease Indigestion

Ginger is very good for settling stomach issues/  It does so by helping to relax tight stomach muscles and speed up the process of digestion.

#5. Clear Lungs and Bronchial Tubes

Ginger extract has previously been used to attack unwanted bacteria in the lungs and bronchial tubes, helping fight respiratory conditions.

What are the best ways to ingest Ginger?

There are many ways to ingest Ginger, but one of the simplest is through liquid form, i.e. Ginger Tea.  Drinking Hot Tea has the benefit of using the heat to speed up, and to increase, the absorption of the Ginger.    Hot Tea also has a very positive impact of breathing and respiratory centers, as the heat helps open up passageways.

Ginger Tea can be refreshing, and consumed regularly, will cause no harm to the body, but can, over time, address some of the health issues you may be encountering.

Many people, with the onset of a cold or flu, will “up” their intake of Ginger, just to give their body that extra fighting chance of building up immunity, and fighting off what is coming.   Ginger Tea is a pleasant, refreshing way to access those benefits.

Teas and Weaves: Our Collection of Ginger Tea(s)

At Teas and Weaves in Penticton, BC, we have a number of Ginger Tea choices.  Each tea blend has its own taste and personality, and is a joy to drink – even when you are not concerned about a particular health issue.  The healing benefits is simply a bonus!

Ginger Snap Spice

Ginger snap spice tea is a Rooibos blend that adds that snappiness of ginger with a nice, spicy taste.    There is no caffeine in this blend, yet it has a deep, robust, “tea”  flavour, and is especially soothing in the winter months and during cold/flu season.

Ginger Orange Carrot Fusion

This tea is one of our fruit blends that adds a splash of vitamin C, a dash of Vitamin A, and the soothing benefits of the Ginger root.    This a great tea to use as a catalyst for healing colds and flus.

Fresh and Lively (Ginger and Lemongrass)

This tea is made from a blend of Lemongrass and Ginger.  it is a wonderful pick-me up, and has a soft citrusy flavour.    Both Lemongrass and ginger are noted for their ability to aid in digestion, and in helping rid the body of unwanted toxins.   This tea is a fantastic combinations of flavours, and as a bonus provides some much needed assistance when your body is feeling a little run-down.  This is probably our most targeted tea for healing cold and flu symptoms

At Teas and Weaves we have a broad selection of Teas.  We sell them in small amounts, and also sell them in bulk.  Come down and visit us on Main Street in Penticton, and we will get you set up with what you need.

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